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Published in:   Vol. 3 Issue 2 Date of Publication:   December 2014

A Study on migrated Students and their Well - being using Amartya Sens Functioning Multidimentional Aproach

Raj Kumar,T.Pathinathan

Page(s):   40-45 ISSN:   2278-2397
DOI:   10.20894/IJWT. Publisher:   Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR)

This paper deals with the multidimensional analysis of well-being from the theoretical point of views suggested by Dr. Amartya Sen. Sens Functioning Multidimensional Approach is broadly recognized as one of the most satisfying approaches to well-being. The Capability approach and the Functioning approach of Sen have found relatively many pragmatic applications mainly for its strong informational and methodological requirements. An attempt has been made to realize a multidimensional assessment of Sens concept of wellbeing with the use of the Fuzzy Set theory. The methodology is applied to the evaluative space of Functionings, with an experimental application to migrated students studying in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.